We are experts in a lot of legal areas

Power & Renewable Energy

With climate change as a dominant global conversation, the power and renewable energy sector is experiencing change at a rapid pace. As always, this comes with challenges but also with opportunities that a trusted adviser can help with maximising. PTH is that trusted firm that can help with providing the full spectrum of legal support to a diverse range of clients in the Nigerian power sector, including governments, project proponents, investors, financial institutions, operators, suppliers and regulators; with our capability extending through the entire project/plant life cycle. We have expertise in the areas of renewable energy, power generation, and transmission; chemicals/petrochemicals and much more. The PTH team is at the forefront of the renewables space, particularly solar power and wind, where Nigerian legal expertise is rare, having advised on some of the largest photovoltaic projects in the country. We advised on the development of a utility-scale photovoltaic project in the northern part of the country, and on a commercial rooftop solar project in the southern part of the country.

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