We are experts in a lot of legal areas


With tax revenues only contributing about 5.1% to Nigeria’s GDP in 2017, which is significantly lower than the optimal ratio of 12.75%, the focus of the federal government, state governments and local municipalities on alternatives to oil revenues has led to considerable efforts to increase tax revenue levels significantly. This, coupled with the multiplicity of tax regimes applicable in Nigeria, presents significant challenges for companies and businesses that carry on business in Nigeria and even international companies that could potentially fall into Nigeria’s tax bracket.
We work with our clients to ensure that they effectively manage and resolve the various tax challenges that they face. We offer comprehensive tax advice, tailored to our clients’ specific needs, and provide all-inclusive tax planning to avoid potential tax issues or liabilities and minimise the tax burden. With decades of experience, our tax law experts offer strategic tax advice in major Nigerian and international transactions.
Significant Nigerian and international companies and multinationals, educational and not-for-profit organisations, as well as individuals from Nigeria and abroad, have selected our top tax lawyers as their tax advisors. Our tax lawyers also provide tax advice to expatriate workers, as well as individual and family clients in the area of personal income tax. We offer tax advisory services in the following areas: 

• Companies Income Tax
• Personal Income Tax
• Customs and Excise Duties
• Petroleum Profits Tax
• Value Added Tax
• Capital Gains Tax
• Stamp Duty
• Transfer Pricing

We also provide the following tax planning activities for our clients:
• Reviewing the tax aspects of proposed business transactions
• Structuring businesses in order to take full advantage of tax benefits
• Devising transactions that avoid tax disadvantages
• Counselling clients on ongoing tax advisory and compliance services

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