We are experts in a lot of legal areas

Technology Law Practice

Our Technology Law Practice Group (TLPG) is eager to meet the clients’ needs in all facet of this rapidly growing, dynamic and evolving industry. Our agile and adaptable team of lawyers has a chequered record of success. TLPG advises leaders and actors in technology, media and entertainment sectors on a full range of legal and regulatory matters. TLPG advises on multi-faceted commercial arrangements from cloud solutions, traditional software agreements, value added services, regulatory issues in connection with products and service offerings in Nigeria, Africa and beyond, transaction structuring and assisting in the procurement of regulatory licences, data protection, cyber security and consumer rights, e-commerce and online advertising matters, including strategies, competition issues arising in the sectors, various modes of financing, securitization, to regulatory permits/approvals in the sectors. We handled various briefs in passage of Bills relating to Technology Law Practice including but not limed to the Nigerian Data Protection Bill from the initial review stage to the stage of Presidential Assent.

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