Mercy Babatunde Profile

As a young lawyer, I am passionate about legal advocacy and making an impact in the legal space. I graduated from the University of Ibadan with a second-class upper division in 2021 and was called to the Nigerian bar in March 2024.

Over the years, I have gained I have gained a background in knowledge and experience in Corporate and Commercial Law, Finance, and Tax. My background has equipped me with a comprehensive understanding of legal principles and their applications in addressing issues.

In addition to my professional endeavors, I have been involved in extracurricular and volunteer activities. I served as the Head of Litigation of the Chamber of the Students’ arm of The Council of Legal Aid and as the Vice President of the Tax Club, University of Ibadan.

I am continuously eager to make meaningful contributions to the legal profession and to take up opportunities that expand my knowledge and skills.

Mery associate
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