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Central Bank Of Nigeria: Recapitalization Policy 2024
In an effort to bolster banks’ resilience against potential domestic and external risks, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), through a circular dated March 28, 2024, has revised theminimum capital

Who Has Ownership Of A Picture: The Photographer or The Photographed
The common assumption is that if a person is the subject of a picture, they should be the owner and have copyright ownership over it. However, this is not always

The Suspension of an Employee by its Employer, and the Right of an Employee to Salary while on Suspension: Striking a Balance
Introduction Employer-employee relationships most often stem from an express written agreement between the parties. In legal parlance, it is known as a contract of employment. Such a contract of employment

DID YOU KNOW? An Executive Director of an Insurance or Reinsurance Company can only Serve for a Maximum of Ten Years
By the National Insurance Commission’s Circular on the Tenure Limit for Executive Directors of insurance and Reinsurance Companies, the insurance commission has introduced a tenure limit for the Executive Directors(ED)

A Spotlight on The CBN Framework For Regulatory Sandbox Operation By Olamide Timothy Olaniyi
Introduction Technology now plays a pervasive role in all sectors of the global economy, including the financial sector. To ensure the smooth and efficient operation of this technology, regulatory bodies

Demystifying The Nigerian Startups Act 2022 and Its Implications For The Nigerian Tech Ecosystem – By Olamide Timothy Olaniyi
Introduction It is no news that on 19 October 2022, the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria assented to the Nigeria Startup Bill 2021 (the Bill), thereby signing it