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These Are 5 Ways To Prove Land Ownership In Nigeria
If you’re a Nigerian, you’ve undoubtedly been involved in a few land conflicts. The sheer quantity of structures branded with warning statements like “This land is not for sale, beware

Did You Know, All Acts By A Governor Before Nullification Of His Election Are Valid
Where a Governorship candidate is declared a winner and takes the oath of office, exercises all the functions of the office and later his election was nullified. The law says

Did You Know? A Police Can Arrest Suspect Without Warrant
There are situations where a police officer or any law enforcement agent can arrest any person without a warrant of arrest/court order. Howbeit, there must be reasonable suspicion and/or credible

Did You Know? A registered company’s director cannot present on its behalf.
A lawyer who serves as the director of a registered company, is prohibited from appearing as an advocate either in a court room or a tribunal, on behalf of his

Did You Know? The law allows a police officer to intervene to prevent an offense.
A policeman is permitted under the law to intervene to prevent any offence and he shall do that to the best of his ability. In the same vein, a police

The Separation Of Men And Woman During Election
Do you know that in an election, the presiding officer can separate men and women? The only condition for this is if the culture in that particular polling unit doesn’t